
Land Transfer Tax (LTT) Calculator Canada

Home Price
Mortgage Value
Land Transfer Tax

Land Transfer Tax (LTT) Across Canada

Land transfer tax is a one-time payment that the purchaser of a property must pay in Canada when they take possession of the property. Land transfer tax (LTT) is typically calculated as a percentage of the purchase price. However, the tax charged can vary based on the province and municipality. This map shows the total land transfer tax that would be required if you were to purchase a home at the April 2024 average home price in each location.

These numbers do not take into consideration rebates that would be available to first-time homebuyers.


Ontario Land Transfer Tax

Ontario has a provincial land transfer tax which is calculated on the purchase price of the property.

A first-time home buyer land transfer tax rebate is available to first-time buyers who purchase a property in Ontario. The maximum rebate offered by the province is $4,000 which would cover the full land transfer tax on homes valued up to $368,000.

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
First $55,000 0.5%
More than $55,000 up to $250,000 1%
More than $250,000 up to $400,000 1.5%
More than $400,000 up to $2,000,000 2.0%
Over $2,000,000 2.5%

Ontario Land Tranfer Tax Example

This would be the land transfer tax calculation for a $750,000 home purchased in Ontario using the above Ontario land transfer tax brackets and rates.

  • First $55,000

    $55,000 home value

    x 0.50% tax rate

    = $275 land transfer tax

  • More than $55,000 up to $250,000

    $195,000 home value

    x 1.00% marginal tax rate

    = $1,950 land transfer tax

  • More than $250,000 up to $400,000

    $150,000 home value

    x 1.50% marginal tax rate

    = $2,250 land transfer tax

  • More than $400,000 up to $2,000,000

    $350,000 home value

    x 2.00% marginal tax rate

    = $7,000 land transfer tax

  • All tiers

    $275 + $1,950 + $2,250 + $7,000

    = $11,475 total Ontario land transfer tax

Toronto Land Transfer Tax

The land transfer taxes in the above map are based on the average home price in May 2024. The land transfer tax (LTT) shown is a combination of both the provincial and municipal land transfer tax. These totals do not include possible first-time homebuyer rebates available at the provincial and municipal levels.

If the propery you are purchasing is in Toronto, you will also be charged a municipal land transfer tax which is also calculated on the value of the property. Toronto charges this municipal tax to generate revenue that funds services such as healthcare, education and infrastructure.

A first-time homebuyers rebate is available on the Toronto land transfer tax up to a maximum of $4,475. The full value of the $4,475 municipal rebate is used once the purchased home price is $400,000 or more.

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
First $55,000 0.5%
More than $55,000 up to $250,000 1%
More than $250,000 up to $400,000 1.5%
More than $400,000 up to $2,000,000 2.0%
More than $2,000,000 up to $3,000,000 2.5%
More than $3,000,000 up to $4,000,000 3.5%
More than $4,000,000 up to $5,000,000 4.5%
More than $5,000,000 up to $10,000,000 5.5%
More than $10,000,000 up to $20,000,000 6.5%
More than $20,000,000 7.5%

Toronto Land Tranfer Tax Example

How to calculate the land transfer tax in Toronto: This example is for a $750,000 home purchased in Toronto, Ontario using the above municipal Toronto land transfer tax brackets and rates. Land transfer taxes charged on properties in Toronto are the same as the provincial Ontario rate, up until a home value of $2,000,000.

  • First $55,000

    $55,000 home value

    x 0.50% tax rate

    = $275 land transfer tax

  • More than $55,000 up to $250,000

    $195,000 home value

    x 1.00% marginal tax rate

    = $1,950 land transfer tax

  • More than $250,000 up to $400,000

    $150,000 home value

    x 1.50% marginal tax rate

    = $2,250 land transfer tax

  • More than $400,000 up to $2,000,000

    $350,000 home value

    x 2.00% marginal tax rate

    = $7,000 land transfer tax

  • All tiers

    $275 + $1,950 + $2,250 + $7,000

    = $11,475 total Toronto land transfer tax

British Columbia

British Columbia Land Transfer Tax

Land transfer tax is calcuated as a percentage on the value of the home purchased in British Columbia.

British Columbia offers a first-time homebuyers rebate in addition to a newly built home exemption.

The first-time homebuyers rebate is a rebate for those purchasing their first home. As of April 1, 2024 a full tax exemption is provided to newly built homes up to $835,000. A partial exemption is given to homes with a fair market value between $835,000 and $860,000, with the rebate decreasing to $0 when a $860,000 fair market value is reached.

The newly built home exemption applies to new construction and works in a similar manner to the first-time homebuyers rebate. A new contruction property will have all of the land transfer tax exempt up until a fair market value of $1,100,000. If the fair market value of the property is between $1,100,000 and $1,150,000 it will instead receive a partial rebate.

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
First $200,000 1.0%
More than $200,000 up to $2,000,000 2.0%
More than $2,000,000 up to $3,000,000 3.0%
More than $3,000,000 5.0%

British Columbia Land Tranfer Tax Example

This would be the land transfer tax calculation for a $1,250,000 home purchased in British Columbia where the new construction exemption or first-time homebuyers rebate does not apply.

  • First $200,000

    $200,000 home value

    x 1.00% tax rate

    = $2,000 land transfer tax

  • More than $200,000 up to $2,000,000

    $1,050,000 home value

    x 2.00% marginal tax rate

    = $21,000 land transfer tax

  • All tiers

    $2,000 + $21,000

    = $23,000 total British Columbia land transfer tax


Manitoba Land Transfer Tax

Provincial land transfer tax is calculated in Manitoba based on the property purchase price. There are no provincial rebates on land transfer tax in Manitoba.

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
First $30,000 0%
More than $30,000 up to $90,000 0.5%
More than $90,000 up to $150,000 1.0%
More than $150,000 up to $200,000 1.5%
More than $200,000 2.0%

Manitoba Land Tranfer Tax Example

This would be the land transfer tax calculation for a $400,000 home purchased in Manitoba.

  • First $30,000

    $30,000 home value

    x 0.00% tax rate

    = $0 land transfer tax

  • More than $30,000 up to $90,000

    $60,000 home value

    x 0.50% marginal tax rate

    = $300 land transfer tax

  • More than $90,000 up to $150,000

    $60,000 home value

    x 1.00% marginal tax rate

    = $600 land transfer tax

  • More than $150,000 up to $200,000

    $50,000 home value

    x 1.50% marginal tax rate

    = $750 land transfer tax

  • More than $200,000

    $200,000 home value

    x 2.00% marginal tax rate

    = $4,000 land transfer tax

  • All tiers

    $0 + $300 + $600 + $750 + $4,000

    = $5,650 total Manitoba land transfer tax


Quebec Land Transfer Tax

Land transfer tax (also known as Welcome Tax) in Quebec is calculated based on the value of the property purchased with the tax rates charged indexed to inflation. This tax is payable and collected at the municipal level.

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
First $55,200 0.5%
More than $55,200 up to $276,200 1.0%
More than $276,200 1.5%

Quebec Land Tranfer Tax Example

This would be the land transfer tax calculation for a $500,000 home purchased in Quebec.

  • First $55,200

    $55,200 home value

    x 0.50% tax rate

    = $276 land transfer tax

  • More than $55,200 up to $276,200

    $221,000 home value

    x 1.00% marginal tax rate

    = $2,210 land transfer tax

  • More than $276,200

    $223,800 home value

    x 1.50% marginal tax rate

    = $3,357 land transfer tax

  • All tiers

    $276 + $2,210 + $3,357

    = $5,843 total Quebec land transfer tax

Montreal Land Transfer Tax

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
First $55,200 0.5%
More than $55,200 up to $276,200 1.0%
More than $276,200 up to $552,300 1.5%
More than $552,300 up to $1,104,700 2.0%
More than $1,104,700 up to $2,136,500 2.5%
More than $2,136,500 up to $3,113,000 3.5%
More than $3,113,000 4.0%

Montreal Land Tranfer Tax Example

In addition to the provincial Quebec land transfer tax, this would be the municipal land transfer tax calculation for a $500,000 home purchased in Quebec, Montreal. Other municipalities in Quebec have their own land transfer tax brackets and rates.

  • First $55,200

    $55,200 home value

    x 0.50% tax rate

    = $276 land transfer tax

  • More than $55,200 up to $276,200

    $221,000 home value

    x 1.00% marginal tax rate

    = $2,210 land transfer tax

  • More than $276,200 up to $552,300

    $223,800 home value

    x 1.50% marginal tax rate

    = $3,357 land transfer tax

  • All tiers

    $276 + $2,210 + $3,357

    = $5,843 total Montreal land transfer tax


The Yukon applies a assurance fee, mortgage fee and transfer fee in their calculation of the total land transfer cost.

Yukon Transfer fee

The transfer fee is a flat fee based on the value of property purchased for the transfer of your title.

Purchase Price of Home Flat Fee
First $100,000 $50
More than $100,000 up to $500,000 $150
More than $500,000 up to $3,000,000 $350
More than $3,000,000 up to $10,000,000 $550
More than $10,000,000 $750

Yukon Transfer Fee Example

This would be the transfer fee calculation for a $400,000 home purchased in the Yukon. Since the Yukon transfer fees are all flat rates, the total transfer fee is the flat fee for the tier in which the homes value falls.

  • More than $100,000 up to $500,000

    $400,000 home value

    = $150 flat fee

    = $150 total Yukon land transfer fee

Yukon Mortgage fee

This is another flat fee that you will pay based on the value of mortgage you take out.

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
First $100,000 $50
More than $100,000 up to $500,000 $100
More than $500,000 up to $1,000,000 $200
More than $1,000,000 up to $5,000,000 $400
More than $5,000,000 up to $10,000,000 $600
More than $10,000,000 up to $20,000,000 $800
More than $20,000,000 $1,000

Yukon Mortgage Fee Example

This would be the mortgage fee calculation for a $400,000 home purchased in the Yukon. Similar to the transfer fees Yukon mortgage fees are also flat rates. The total mortgage fee is the flat fee for the tier in which the homes value falls.

  • More than $100,000 up to $500,000

    $400,000 home value

    = $100 flat fee

    = $100 total Yukon land transfer fee

Yukon Assurance Fee

This is a fee charged if your purchase price is greater than the value of the property when previously transferred.

Additional Value Assurance Fee
First $10,000 $20
Every additional $10,000 $10

Yukon Assurance Fee Example

This is an example of the Yukon Assurance fee for a home which has increased in value by $80,000 since the previous transfer was made.

  • First $10,000

    $10,000 increased home value

    = $20 flat fee

    = $20 assurance fee

  • More than $10,000

    $70,000 increased home value

    x $10 each additional $10,000

    = $70 assurance fee

  • All tiers

    $20 + $70

    = $90 total Yukon assurance fee


Nunavut Territory Registration Fee

The land transfer taxes in Nunavut are calculated based on the properties purchase price.

Property Value Fee
Minimum fee $60
Every additional $1,000 up to $1,000,000 $1.50
Every additional $1,000 after $1,000,000 $1.00

Nunavut Territory Registration Fee

This is an example of the Nunavut Territory registration fee calculation for a home purchase of $1,500,000

  • Every additional $1,000 up to $1,000,000

    $1,000,000 home value

    x $1.50 each additional $1,000

    = $1,500 territory registration fee

  • Every additional $1,000 after $1,000,000

    $500,000 increased home value

    x $1.00 each additional $10,000

    = $500 territory registration fee

  • All tiers

    $1,500 + $500

    = $2,000 total Nunavut territory registration fee

Northwest Territories

Northwest Territories Land Transfer Fee

The land transfer taxes in the Northwest Territories are calculated on the property value with a fee for every $1,000 increment with a minimum charge of $100.

Property Value Flat fee
Minimum fee $100
Every additional $1,000 up to $1,000,000 $2.00
Every additional $1,000 after $1,000,000 $1.50

Northwest Territory land transfer Fee

This is an example of the Northwest Territory land transfer fee calculation for a home purchase of $300,000

  • Every additional $1,000 up to $1,000,000

    $300,000 home value

    x $2.00 each additional $1,000

    = $600 Total Northwest territory land transfer fee

Northwest Territories Mortgage Fee

There is also a fee charged on the mortgage amount for every $1,000 increment with a minimum charge of $80.

Mortgage amount Flat fee
Base fee $80
Every additional $1,000 $1.50

Northwest Territory mortgage Fee

This is an example of the Northwest Territory mortgage fee calculation for a home purchase of $300,000

  • Base fee

    $300,000 home value

    = $80 base fee

    = $80 Northwest territory mortgage fee

  • Every additional $1,000

    $300,000 home value

    x $1.50 each additional $1,000

    = $450 Northwest territory mortgage fee

  • All tiers

    $80 + $450

    = $530 total Northwest territory mortgage fee

Newfoundland and Labrador

The land transfer tax in Newfoundland is also known as the registration of deeds and is calculated based on the value of property purchased.

Newfoundland and Labrador Registration of Deeds Fee

Purchase Price of Home Fee / Marginal Tax Rate
Base Fee $100
More than $0 0.4%

Newfoundland and Labrador Registration of Deeds Fee

This is an example of the Newfoundland and Labrador registration of deeds fee calculation for a home purchase of $600,000

  • Base fee

    $600,000 home value

    = $100 base fee

    = $100 registration of deeds fee

  • More than $0

    $600,000 home value

    x 0.40% tax rate

    = $2,400 registration of deeds fee

  • All tiers

    $100 + $2,400

    = $2,500 total Newfoundland and Labrador registration of deeds fee


A transfer of land registration fee is charged in Alberta based on fair market value of the property purchased.

Alberta Property Registration Fee

Purchase Price of Home Fee
Every $5000 $5

Alberta Property Registration Fee

This is an example of the Alberta property registration fee for a home valued at $800,000

  • Every $5,000

    $800,000 home value

    x $5 each additional $5,000

    = $4,000 Total Alberta property registration fee


A title transfer fee is charged when land is transferred in Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan Title Transfer Fee

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate / Fee
First $500 0%
More than $500 up to $6,300 25$
More than $6,300 0.4%

Saskatchewan Title Transfer Example Calculation

This is an example of the Saskatchewan title transfer fee calculation for a home value of $550,000

  • First $500

    $500 home value

    = 0.00% marginal tax rate

    = $0 title transfer fee

  • More than $500 up to $6,300

    $5,800 home value

    = $25 flat fee

    = $25 title transfer fee

  • More than $6,300

    $543,700 home value

    = 0.40% marginal tax rate

    = $2,175 title transfer fee

  • All tiers

    $25 + $2,175

    = $2,200 total Saskatchewan title transfer fee

Prince Edward Island

Land transfer tax in Price Edward island is calculated based on the purchase price of the home. A full exemption on the land transfer tax is available for first-time homebuyers.

Prince Edward Island Real Property Transfer Tax

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
First $30,000 0%
More than $30,000 1.0%

Prince Edward Island Real Property Tax Example

This is the real property tax calculation for a home valued at $450,000 purchased in Prince Edward Island.

  • First $30,000

    $30,000 home value

    x 0.00% tax rate

    = $0 land transfer tax

  • More than $30,000

    $420,000 home value

    x 1.00% marginal tax rate

    = $4,200 land transfer tax

  • All tiers

    $0 + $4,200

    = $4,200 total PEI real property tax

New Brunswick

New Brunswick Real Property Transfer Tax

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
More than $0 1.0%

New Brunswick Real Property Tax

This is the real property tax calculation for a home valued at $650,000 purchased in New Brunswick.

  • More than $0

    $650,000 home value

    x 1.00% tax rate

    = $6,500 Total New Brunswick land transfer tax

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Provincial Deed Transfer Tax

Nova Scotia land transfer tax is a combination of both Provincial Deed Transfer Tax (PDTT) and Municipal Deed Transfer Tax (MDTT). Provincial Deed Transfer Tax (PDTT) is charged at 5% on the value of the purchased house for those that are non-residents of Nova Scotia. This PDTT is exempt if you become a resident of Nova Scotia within six months of the transaction closing date.

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
More than $0 5.0%

Nova Scotia Provincial Deed Transfer Tax Example

This is the provincial deed transfer tax example for a home valued at $950,000 purchased in Nova Scotia.

  • More than $0

    $950,000 home value

    x 5.00% tax rate

    = $47,500 Total Nova Scotia land transfer tax

Halifax Municipal Deed Transfer Tax Example

Municipals in Nova Scotia charge a Municipal Deed Transfer Tax (MDTT) which ranges from 0.5% to 1.5% of the properties sale value.

Purchase Price of Home Marginal Tax Rate
More than $0 1.5%

Halifax Municipal Deed Transfer Tax Example

This is the municipal deed transfer tax example for a home valued at $950,000 purchased in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

  • More than $0

    $950,000 home value

    x 1.00% tax rate

    = $9,500 Total Halifax land transfer tax

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