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US Income Percentile by Age Calculator

This calculator helps you find your income percentile by age in the USA to see how you compare to others your age. Enter your age and pre-tax or gross income to compare income percentiles.

Amount Before Taxes

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United States Income Percentile Calculator

If you want to see how your wealth compares to others in the U.S. check out our net worth percentile calculator or net worth by age calculator to see how you compare to others your age.

Income percentile by age

Your age plays a large part in the income percentile that you fall into. As earning potential tends to increase by age. These tables below shows the average income, median income and income to reach the top 1% based on age.

Average income by age

The overall average individual income in the U.S. is $73,472. This average varies based on the age of the income earner. The table below shows how the average individual income in the U.S. changes based on age.

|Age|Average| |25|$49,814.72| |35|$84,002.58| |45|$85,450.35| |55|$84,737.64| |65|$90,170.79|

Median income by age

The overall median income in the U.S. is $50,200 which varies substantially based on the age category that you fall into. The below table shows a breakdown of the median income by age group.

|Age|Median| |25|$40,000| |35|$60,000| |45|$60,000| |55|$60,000| |65|$57,668|

Top 1% income by age

If you want to be in the top 1% of income earners in the U.S. it will take an individual income of $430,000. This threshold to join the elite 1% changes based on your age as shown in the table below.

|Age|Top 1%| |25|$201,005| |35|$550,001| |45|$517,050| |55|$483,429| |65|$571,700|

Top 10% income by age

If you make $150,000 or more that places you in the top 10% of individual income earners in the U.S. this figure is based on the overall income needed to be in the top 10%. This below chart breaks down the top 10% threshold based on age category to join the 90th percentile of income earners.

|Age|Top 10%| |25|$90,620| |35|$155,000| |45|$165,250| |55|$175,504| |65|$187,000|

2024 income percentile source: Sarah Flood, Miriam King, Renae Rodgers, Steven Ruggles, J. Robert Warren, Daniel Backman, Annie Chen, Grace Cooper, Stephanie Richards, Megan Schouweiler, and Michael Westberry. IPUMS CPS: Version 11.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis, MN: IPUMS, 2023. https://doi.org/10.18128/D030.V11.0