Find your net worth percentile by age all the way up to the top one percent of net worth percentiles in the United States.
Wondering how your income compares to others? Check out this income percentile calculator to see how you stack up.
This calculator uses the most recent 2023 data from the Federal Reserve SCF. The next time new net worth percentile data will be released is in 2026.
Average net worth by age
The average net worth by age in the US is largely dependent on the age group you are apart of. Those in the youngest age group aged 18-24 have the lowest average net worth of $112,104. The average net worth increases in each subsequent age group before reaching a peak for those in the 65-69 age group who have an average net worth of $1,836,884.
The average net worth in each age group is heavily skewed by those in the top 1% of net worth for each age category. For example the median net worth for those aged 65-69 is $393,480 but the average net worth in this age category is skewed higher as those in the top 1% of net worth aged 65-69 have net worth of $22,102,660 or higher.
Age Group | Average Net Worth |
18-24 | $112,104 |
25-29 | $120,183 |
30-34 | $258,075 |
35-39 | $501,295 |
40-44 | $590,710 |
45-49 | $781,936 |
50-54 | $1,132,497 |
55-59 | $1,441,987 |
60-64 | $1,675,294 |
65-69 | $1,836,884 |
70-74 | $1,714,085 |
75-79 | $1,629,275 |
80+ | $1,611,984 |
If you want to see how your net worth compares across all age groups in the United States check out our net worth percentile calculator.
Median net worth by age
These are the 50th percentile or medain net worth by age category in the United States. Those aged 18-24 have the lowest median net worth of $10,222 with those in the age group of 70-74 peaking at the highest median net worth of $438,700 before the median net worth declines in the last two age groups.
Age Group | Median Net Worth |
18-24 | $10,222 |
25-29 | $31,470 |
30-34 | $88,631 |
35-39 | $138,588 |
40-44 | $134,382 |
45-49 | $213,586 |
50-54 | $266,140 |
55-59 | $321,074 |
60-64 | $392,860 |
65-69 | $393,480 |
70-74 | $438,700 |
75-79 | $338,180 |
80+ | $327,200 |
Top one percent net worth by age
Ever wonder what net worth it would take to be considered part of the top 1% in the US? This chart outlines the threshold of net worth you would need to be considered part of the top 1% shown by age. The lowest threshold for the top 1 percent is the age category of 18-24 year olds in which you would need $653,224 to join the top one percent. As the age of americans increases so does the threshold with those in the age category of 65-69 needing $22,102,660 to join the top 1% of Americans by net worth.
Age Group | Top 1 Percent Net Worth |
18-24 | $653,224 |
25-29 | $2,121,910 |
30-34 | $2,636,882 |
35-39 | $4,741,320 |
40-44 | $7,835,420 |
45-49 | $8,701,500 |
50-54 | $13,231,940 |
55-59 | $15,371,684 |
60-64 | $17,869,960 |
65-69 | $22,102,660 |
70-74 | $18,761,580 |
75-79 | $19,868,894 |
80+ | $16,229,800 |