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Net Worth Percentile Calculator United States

This calculator helps you find your net worth percentile in the United States as either a household or invidiual by age to help you compare your net worth percentile in the United States.

Total Net Worth
Net Worth Percentile Calculator

The data in this calculator is from the Federal Reserve SCF for the year 2023 which is the most recent data. New data for net worth percentiles will be released in 2026.

If you want to see how your individual income percentile compares to others in the U.S. you can use our income percentile calculator.

Household net worth in the United States

The median household net worth in the US was $192,084 in 2023. The average net worth in 2023 was $1,059,470 which is much higher than the 2023 median net worth. This is a result of wealth being highly concentrated within the top percentiles in the United States.

Household net worth distribution in the U.S.

This chart shows the distribution of wealth in the US by percentile. The top 0.1% of households hold 13.80% of the wealth in the United States. The top 1.0% of households in the U.S. account for 30.80% of all the wealth in the United States as of 2024.

Household Net Worth Distribution in the U.S. by percentile 1989 to 2024

Top 1% household net worth in the US

To be considered in the 99th percentile or top 1% of household net worth in the US you need at least $13,666,778 in 2023. This is a significant amount of net worth which helps explain the variation between the median and average net worth in the United States. Those in the top 1% of net worth skew the average net worth figure to over $1 million dollars.

Top 10% household net worth

The 90th percentile or to be considered in the top 10% of households for net worth the threshold is $1,920,758.

Individual net worth by age in the United States

The net worth of an individual is highly correlated to age. For this reason it is important to compare your net worth against that of other people in the same age bracket as you. For example the median net worth of an invidiuals between the ages of 18-24 is $10,222, which is the lowest of all age brackets for many reasons including this age bracket includes students with debt and individuals fresh to the workforce. Compare this to an age bracket of 35-39 which has a median net worth of $138,588.

Average net worth by age

These are the average net worth of individuals in the United States broken down by age category for 2023.

  • 18-24: $112,104
  • 25-29: $120,183
  • 30-34: $258,075
  • 35-39: $501,295
  • 40-44: $590,710
  • 45-49: $781,936
  • 50-54: $1,132,497
  • 55-59: $1,441,987
  • 60-64: $1,675,294
  • 65-69: $1,836,884
  • 70-74: $1,714,085
  • 75-79: $1,629,275
  • 80+: $1,611,984

Median net worth by age

These are the median net worth of invidiuals by age group for 2023 in the United States:

  • 18-24: $10,222
  • 25-29: $31,470
  • 30-34: $88,631
  • 35-39: $138,588
  • 40-44: $134,382
  • 45-49: $213,586
  • 50-54: $266,140
  • 55-59: $321,074
  • 60-64: $392,860
  • 65-69: $393,480
  • 70-74: $438,700
  • 75-79: $338,180
  • 80+: $327,200

Net worth percentile by age