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Ontario Average and Median Income by Individual and Household

Income in Ontario changes is impacted by many factors, such as median or average income. If you are looking at these income cocepts for single person or a household. As well as other characteristics such as age playing an important role in understanding the income figure.

Average income in Ontario

The average individual income in Ontario is $54,300. The average after-tax income in Ontario is $45,200 which means that the average individual tax is $9,100.

Average income in Ontario by Age

This is a breakdown of the average income in Ontario by age group:

Age Group Average
15 to 19 $10,750
20 to 24 $25,640
25 to 29 $44,480
30 to 34 $57,250
35 to 39 $66,200
40 to 44 $72,200
45 to 49 $76,700
50 to 54 $75,300
55 to 59 $70,400
60 to 64 $62,150
65 years and over $48,840

Income distribution by age group

This table shows the income distribution by percentile for each age group:

Age Group 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile 95th Percentile 96th Percentile 97th Percentile 98th Percentile 99th Percentile
15 to 19 $990 $3,180 $8,200 $15,900 $23,000 $27,800 $29,200 $31,200 $34,400 $41,600
20 to 24 $70,000 $14,200 $23,200 $33,200 $46,000 $56,800 $60,400 $65,000 $72,000 $83,000
25 to 29 $13,300 $25,000 $39,200 $58,400 $79,500 $94,000 $99,000 $106,000 $117,000 $139,000
30 to 34 $16,200 $30,200 $49,200 $74,500 $102,000 $124,000 $132,000 $143,000 $162,000 $204,000
35 to 39 $17,400 $32,800 $54,800 $85,000 $117,000 $146,000 $158,000 $174,000 $202,000 $264,000
40 to 44 $17,800 $34,000 $57,600 $92,000 $128,000 $164,000 $180,000 $200,000 $236,000 $320,000
45 to 49 $16,800 $33,200 $58,000 $96,000 $136,000 $180,000 $196,000 $224,000 $268,000 $376,000
50 to 54 $15,100 $30,400 $55,200 $93,000 $136,000 $180,000 $200,000 $228,000 $276,000 $400,000
55 to 59 $12,500 $26,400 $50,400 $85,000 $129,000 $174,000 $190,000 $218,000 $262,000 $380,000
60 to 64 $9,500 $21,400 $43,600 $73,000 $114,000 $155,000 $172,000 $194,000 $234,000 $332,000
65 years and over $16,000 $22,400 $34,800 $58,000 $86,000 $113,000 $125,000 $142,000 $172,000 $240,000

Median income in Ontario

The median indvidual income in Ontario is $41,700 before taxes. The median after-tax income in Ontario is $38,000. The median tax paid in Ontario is $3,700.

Median total income by age

This breakdown shows the median total income before tax for each age in the range from 15 to 70+ years old. The median income represents the middle income where in each age 50% of that ages population is making more money and 50% is making less.

Age Ontario 2019 Ontario 2020
15 $2,720 $3,060
16 $2,700 $3,760
17 $3,520 $5,760
18 $5,080 $9,300
19 $7,400 $14,200
20 $11,500 $17,800
21 $14,700 $20,800
22 $16,600 $23,400
23 $18,800 $26,400
24 $21,800 $29,800
25 $26,000 $33,200
26 $30,000 $36,800
27 $34,000 $40,000
28 $37,200 $42,400
29 $40,000 $44,800
30 $42,000 $46,400
31 $43,600 $48,000
32 $45,600 $49,600
33 $46,800 $50,800
34 $48,000 $51,600
35 $49,200 $52,800
36 $50,400 $54,000
37 $51,200 $54,800
38 $52,000 $55,600
39 $52,800 $56,400
40 $53,600 $56,800
41 $54,000 $57,200
42 $54,800 $57,600
43 $55,600 $58,400
44 $56,000 $58,400
45 $56,400 $58,800
46 $56,400 $58,400
47 $56,000 $58,000
48 $56,000 $57,600
49 $55,600 $57,600
50 $55,200 $56,800
51 $54,400 $56,000
52 $53,600 $54,800
53 $53,200 $54,400
54 $52,800 $53,600
55 $52,400 $53,200
56 $51,600 $52,000
57 $50,400 $50,400
58 $48,800 $48,800
59 $48,000 $48,000
60 $46,400 $46,400
61 $45,200 $45,600
62 $44,000 $44,000
63 $42,400 $42,000
64 $41,200 $40,800
65 $39,200 $40,800
66 $39,600 $41,600
67 $40,000 $39,600
68 $38,000 $38,400
69 $36,800 $37,200
70 $31,800 $32,800

Average household income in Ontario

The average household income in Ontario is $114,000. The average after-tax household income in Ontario is $92,900 which means that on average households in Ontario by taxes of $21,100.

Median household income in Ontario

The median household income in Ontario is $84,400. The after-tax median Ontario household income is $74,600 which means that the average tax paid by the median household in Ontario is $9,800.

What is the average single person income in Ontario?

The average single person income in Ontario is $54,300 as shown by the Canadian Income Survey. This average is higher when compared to the median single person income in Ontario which was $41,700. Both of these are before-tax incomes in 2022. The below chart shows the average and median tax paid by individuals in Canada:

What is the average household income in Ontario?

The average household in Ontario is $114,000 in 2022 which is higher than the Ontario median household income of $84,400. Both of these household incomes are expressed as the total income before tax as shown in the 2022 Canadian Income Survey.

Notes on the income data

The incomes listed in this article are based on the data released by Statistics Canada on 2024-04-26 in the most recent Canadian Income Survey (CIS) which was completed for the 2022 year.

Income distributions data comes from data in the income explorer which was released 2024-04-17 which data from the 2021 census which shows 2020 income.

Other provincial and territorial sales tax calculators

Compare the income to Canada's average and median income or other provinces:

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Ontario average and median income Ontario
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