
Mortgage Calculator

The median down payment in the first quarter of 2024 was an average of 13.6% and median of $26,000 from a report released by Realtor.

The Median Down Payment for a House in the US by State

Median Down Payment for a Home in the US

Home prices vary across all of the U.S. States, this makes the down payment to purchase a home, also vary substantially across the United States. This map shows the median down payment in each state as well as a percentage of the median home sale price as of April 2024.

State Abv. Median Down Payment Median Down Payment Percentage
Hawaii HI 205,000 26.15%
District of Columbia DC 170,850 24.41%
Alabama AL 57,175 20.61%
Delaware DE 70,000 20.02%
Kansas KS 50,000 18.76%
Oregon OR 95,300 18.55%
Massachusetts MA 115,000 18.12%
South Dakota SD 56,950 18.02%
California CA 153,000 17.95%
New Hampshire NH 86,625 17.92%
New Jersey NJ 91,000 17.86%
Nevada NV 80,000 17.72%
Colorado CO 106,900 17.13%
North Carolina NC 64,000 16.94%
New Mexico NM 59,291 16.80%
Arizona AZ 74,000 16.27%
Washington WA 106,290 16.24%
Connecticut CT 68,100 16.11%
Indiana IN 39,528 15.44%
Rhode Island RI 73,803 15.27%
Virginia VA 67,116 14.64%
Maryland MD 61,675 14.35%
Florida FL 60,000 14.22%
Maine ME 52,550 13.43%
New York NY 70,000 12.98%
Pennsylvania PA 37,000 12.96%
Tennessee TN 48,868 12.61%
Minnesota MN 44,823 12.55%
Wisconsin WI 37,161 11.79%
Utah UT 65,002 11.57%
South Carolina SC 43,947 11.39%
Vermont VT 48,534 11.31%
Nebraska NE 31,950 11.13%
Ohio OH 26,400 11.06%
Georgia GA 40,725 10.84%
Missouri MO 28,250 10.83%
Illinois IL 30,000 10.13%
Kentucky KY 26,011 10.11%
Oklahoma OK 23,731 9.87%
Iowa IA 21,987 9.49%
Idaho ID 42,509 8.90%
Arkansas AR 22,625 8.82%
Michigan MI 22,097 8.64%
North Dakota ND 23,600 8.55%
Louisiana LA 19,500 7.67%
Montana MT 38,131 7.36%
Wyoming WY 30,000 6.41%
West Virginia WV 16,733 6.17%
Alaska AK 19,533 5.31%
Texas TX 12,500 3.55%
Mississippi MS 8,061 3.36%

    How much down payment for a house in the United States?

    The amount of down payment required for a home in the United States varies based on the type of the mortgage that you will use to finance the purchase. If you purchase your home with a VA or USDA loan you could purchase a home with 0% down payment. The lowest down payment on a conventional loan type would be 3%. It is important to take into consideration the cost of mortgage insurance which will be required on conventional loans with a down payment less than 20%.

    US minimum down payments by loan type

    Loan Type Minimum down payment required
    Conventional 3%
    FHA 3.5% (with a credit score of at least 580); 10% with a credit score of 500-579)
    VA 0%
    USDA 0%
    Jumbo 5-10%
    Second homes or investment properties Varies