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2025 US Minimum Wage By State

2025 Federal minimum wage

The Federal minimum wage for 2025 is $7.25 per hour. Employers that are subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the Federal minimum wage. The last change to the Federal minimum wage was in 2009 when it was raised from $6.55 to $7.25 for a total increase of $0.70. For states that are subject to both state and federal minimum wage laws, the higher of the two minimum wages applies.

Where is the minimum wage increasing in 2025?

There are a total of 21 states that have seen increases to the minimum wage in 2025 effective January 1, 2025. This table breaks down the minimum wage increases by each state compared to the previous 2024 minimum wage.

There are three types of increases for minimum wages in 2025. The first is an increase based on an inflation adjustment. This is an increase to reflect the chages in prices over that of the previous year. Next are legislation adjustments which indicates that the 2025 minimum wage came into effect through legislation. The last are ballot measure increases which indicates that the minimum wage increase was a result of a ballot initiative passed by voters.

State 2025 Increase Increase Type
Alaska $0.18 Inflation adj.
Arizona $0.35 Inflation adj.
California $0.50 Inflation adj.
Colorado $0.39 Inflation adj.
Connecticut $0.66 Inflation adj.
Delaware $1.75 Legislation
Illinois $1.00 Legislation
Maine $0.50 Inflation adj.
Michigan $0.23 Legislation
Minnesota $0.28 Inflation adj.
Missouri $1.45 Ballot
Montana $0.25 Inflation adj.
Nebraska $1.50 Ballot
New Jersey $0.36 Inflation adj.
New York $0.50 Legislation
Ohio $0.25 Inflation adj.
Rhode Island $1.00 Legislation
South Dakota $0.30 Inflation adj.
Vermont $0.34 Inflation adj.
Virginia $0.41 Inflation adj.
Washington $0.38 Inflation adj.

The following are future enacted increases in the minimum wages

  • Florida: $14 eff. 9-30-25; $15 eff. 9-30-26
  • Hawaii: $16 eff. 1-1-26; $18 eff. 1-1-28
  • Michigan: $12.48 eff. 2-21-2025; $13.29 eff. 2-21-2026; $14.16 eff. 2-21-2027; $14.97 eff. 2-21-2028
  • Nebraska: $15 eff. 1-1-26

2025 minimum wage by state

This map shows a breakdown of the 2025 minimum wage in the U.S. by state:

US 2025 minimum wage by state

This table shows the hourly minimum wage by state in the U.S. as well as increases from the 2024 minimum wage as a side by side comparison.

State 2025 Minimum wage per hour Increase
Alabama $7.25 $0.00
Georgia $7.25 $0.00
Iowa $7.25 $0.00
Idaho $7.25 $0.00
Indiana $7.25 $0.00
Kansas $7.25 $0.00
Kentucky $7.25 $0.00
Louisiana $7.25 $0.00
Mississippi $7.25 $0.00
North Carolina $7.25 $0.00
North Dakota $7.25 $0.00
New Hampshire $7.25 $0.00
Oklahoma $7.25 $0.00
Pennsylvania $7.25 $0.00
South Carolina $7.25 $0.00
Tennessee $7.25 $0.00
Texas $7.25 $0.00
Utah $7.25 $0.00
Wisconsin $7.25 $0.00
Wyoming $7.25 $0.00
West Virginia $8.75 $0.00
Montana $10.55 $0.25
Michigan $10.56 $0.23
Ohio $10.70 $0.25
Arkansas $11.00 $0.00
Minnesota $11.13 $0.28
South Dakota $11.50 $0.30
Alaska $11.91 $0.18
New Mexico $12.00 $0.00
Nevada $12.00 $0.00
Virginia $12.41 $0.41
Florida $13.00 $0.00
Nebraska $13.50 $1.50
Missouri $13.75 $1.45
Hawaii $14.00 $0.00
Vermont $14.01 $0.34
Maine $14.65 $0.50
Arizona $14.70 $0.35
Oregon $14.70 $0.00
Colorado $14.81 $0.39
Delaware $15.00 $1.75
Illinois $15.00 $1.00
Massachusetts $15.00 $0.00
Maryland $15.00 $0.00
Rhode Island $15.00 $1.00
New Jersey $15.49 $0.36
New York $15.50 $0.50
Connecticut $16.35 $0.66
California $16.50 $0.50
Washington $16.66 $0.38

New York

New York has a few different minimum wage rates based on location as job type. well as minimum wages for tipped service employees and tipped food service workers. ALl of the general minimum wages in New York saw an increase effective 1-1-2025.

location 2025 min. wage 2024 min. wage
New York City $16.50 $16.00
Long Island & Westchester $16.50 $16.00
Remainder of New York $15.50 $15.00

New York City

The New York City minimum wage is $16.50 for 2025 effective 1-1-2025. For those that are tipped service employees the minimum wage is $13.75 as a cash and $2.75 tip credit. For those working in the food service industry the minimum wage is $11.00 cash and $5.50 tip credit.

Long Island & Westchester

The Long Island & Westchester minimum wage is $16.50 for 2025 effective 1-1-2025. For those who are tipped service employees the minimum wage is $13.75 cash and $2.75 tip credit. Workers in the food service industry have a minimum wage of $11.00 cash and $5.50 tip credit in Long Island & Westchester.

Remainder of New York States

The remainder of the New York state has a minimum wage of $15.50 in 2025 effective 1-1-2025. For those who are tipped service employees the minimum wage is $12.90 cash and $2.60 tip credit. For food service workers the minimum wage is $10.35 cash and $5.15 tip credit.


2025 Florida Minimum wage: $13.00 from 1-1-2025 to 9-29-2025; $14.00 on 9-30-2025

The basic minimum wage in Florida is $13.00 per hour. The next minimum wage increase for Florida will be on 9-30-2025 when the minimum wage will increase from $13.00 to $14.00 per hour. Another minimum wage increase is set for 9-30-2026 where the basic minimum wage will increase to $15.00 per hour.

The Flordia minimum wage & tipped wage have been set to gradually increase each year on September 30th in which the minimum wage and tipped minimum wage will increase until the minimum wage reaches $15.00 per hour on 9-30-2026.

Date Minimum Wage Tipped Wage Eff. Date
2023 $12.00 $8.98 9-30-2023
2024 $13.00 $9.98 9-30-2024
2025 $14.00 $10.98 9-30-2025
2026 $15.00 $11.98 9-30-2026


The 2025 minimum wage for Texas is $7.25 per hour. The last time Texas saw a minimum wage increase was in 2009 when the Federal minimum wage was increased to the current $7.25 per hour.


The minimum wage in California for 2025 is $16.50 effective 1-1-2025.

Here is a breakdown of the historical minimum wages and increases for California over the past 10 years:

Date Minimum Wage Increase
2025 $16.50 $0.50
2024 $16.00 $0.50
2023 $15.50 $1.50
2022 $14.00 $1.00
2021 $13.00 $1.00
2020 $12.00 $0.00
2019 $12.00 $1.00
2018 $11.00 $0.50
2017 $10.50 $0.50
2016 $10.00 $1.00
2015 $9.00 $0.00

The minimum wage for fast food workers in California is $20.00 for 2025 which was effective 4-1-2024.

Which state has the highest minimum wage?

Washington has the highest 2025 minimum wage of $16.66 per hour. This minimum wage increased from $16.28 in 2024.

What is the lowest minimum wage in the US?

There are twenty states that have a hourly minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

The lowest minimum wage in the U.S. is in Georgia and Wyoming where the minimum wage is $5.15 per hour. Since these two states have minimum wages that are lower than the federal minimum wage the federal wage of $7.25 applies.

Additionally the following fives states: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennesse have not adopted a state minimum wage and have the $7.25 per hour federal minimum wage applied.

Check out the 2024 median income: USA Median Personal Income

Check out the 2024 average income: USA Average Personal Income