USA median annual salary
The median annual salary in the US is $48,070 as released by the U.S. bureau of labor statistics. This means that the median wage in the U.S. is $23.11 per hour which equates to $4,005 per month.
This median salary can be used as a benchmark to compare against as half of Americans in the United States make more money and the other half earn less.
Check out the average income: USA Average Income
Median salary by state
This map shows a breakdown of the median salary in the U.S. by state:
Median annual and hourly salary in the U.S. by state
This table shows the median annual and hourly salary by state in the U.S. as a side by side comparison.
State | Annual | Hourly |
Alabama | $41,350 | $19.88 |
Alaska | $56,139 | $26.99 |
Arizona | $47,674 | $22.92 |
Arkansas | $39,062 | $18.78 |
California | $54,038 | $25.98 |
Colorado | $54,038 | $25.98 |
Connecticut | $56,118 | $26.98 |
Delaware | $49,275 | $23.69 |
District of Columbia | $84,448 | $40.6 |
Florida | $45,074 | $21.67 |
Georgia | $45,469 | $21.86 |
Guam | $33,322 | $16.02 |
Hawaii | $50,502 | $24.28 |
Idaho | $44,242 | $21.27 |
Illinois | $48,734 | $23.43 |
Indiana | $45,469 | $21.86 |
Iowa | $46,467 | $22.34 |
Kansas | $45,261 | $21.76 |
Kentucky | $43,722 | $21.02 |
Louisiana | $41,330 | $19.87 |
Maine | $47,590 | $22.88 |
Maryland | $55,806 | $26.83 |
Massachusetts | $60,694 | $29.18 |
Michigan | $46,946 | $22.57 |
Minnesota | $50,877 | $24.46 |
Mississippi | $37,502 | $18.03 |
Missouri | $45,074 | $21.67 |
Montana | $45,698 | $21.97 |
Nebraska | $46,446 | $22.33 |
Nevada | $44,803 | $21.54 |
New Hampshire | $49,982 | $24.03 |
New Jersey | $54,870 | $26.38 |
New Mexico | $43,618 | $20.97 |
New York | $56,846 | $27.33 |
North Carolina | $45,448 | $21.85 |
North Dakota | $48,818 | $23.47 |
Ohio | $46,696 | $22.45 |
Oklahoma | $41,475 | $19.94 |
Oregon | $50,003 | $24.04 |
Pennsylvania | $47,445 | $22.81 |
Puerto Rico | $25,147 | $12.09 |
Rhode Island | $50,960 | $24.5 |
South Carolina | $42,224 | $20.3 |
South Dakota | $43,680 | $21 |
Tennessee | $43,826 | $21.07 |
Texas | $45,968 | $22.1 |
United States | $48,069 | $23.11 |
Utah | $47,008 | $22.6 |
Vermont | $49,629 | $23.86 |
Virgin Islands | $40,394 | $19.42 |
Virginia | $49,920 | $24 |
Washington | $59,925 | $28.81 |
West Virginia | $39,770 | $19.12 |
Wisconsin | $47,590 | $22.88 |
Wyoming | $47,258 | $22.72 |
Which state has the highest median income?
The state with the lowest annual income is Mississippi with an annual salary of 37,052 which is $18.03 per hour.
Which state has the lowest median income?
The state with the highest annual income is Massachusetts with an annual salary of $60,694 which is $29.18 per hour.