Canada Income Percentile Calculator
This calculator helps you find your income percentile in Canada based on income.
How much would it take to be in the top 1% of income in Canada? You would need income of $283,200 to join the top 1% in Canada. If you wanted to be in the top 0.1% of income earners in Canada it would take $906,700. A further increase of income to $3,404,700 anually would push you into the top 0.01% of income earners.
Top 1% income percentile in Canada
Those in the top 1% income percentile in Canada have an average income of $586,900. However, to be included in the top 1% of income earners in Canada there is a threshold of $283,200.
Top 1% income in Canada by province
This is the average amount of income earners in Canada in the top 1% percentile make:
- Alberta - $597,900
- British Columbia - $586,300
- Manitoba - $569,700
- New Brunswick - $517,900
- Newfoundland and Labrador - $479,800
- Nova Scotia - $522,600
- Ontario - $605,200
- Prince Edward Island - $476,900
- Quebec - $557,000
- Saskatchewan - $524,900
Top 1% income percentile in Canada by age
These are the threshold’s to be considered in the top 1% income percentile of earners in Canada broken down by age:
- 15 to 19: $41,200
- 20 to 24: $85,000
- 25 to 29: $137,000
- 30 to 34: $196,000
- 35 to 39: $246,000
- 40 to 44: $292,000
- 45 to 49: $336,000
- 50 to 54: $356,000
- 55 to 59: $336,000
- 60 to 64: $298,000
- 65+: $222,000
Top 2% income percentile in Canada
This is a list of the income that you would need to make to be in the top 2 percent of income earners in Canada:
- 15 to 19: $34,400
- 20 to 24: $73,000
- 25 to 29: $116,000
- 30 to 34: $158,000
- 35 to 39: $194,000
- 40 to 44: $222,000
- 45 to 49: $248,000
- 50 to 54: $256,000
- 55 to 59: $242,000
- 60 to 64: $216,000
- 65+: $159,000
Top 5 percent income in Canada
These are the thresholds by age that it would take to be considered in the top 5% of income earners in Canada:
- 15 to 19: $27,800
- 20 to 24: $58,000
- 25 to 29: $94,000
- 30 to 34: $121,000
- 35 to 39: $142,000
- 40 to 44: $157,000
- 45 to 49: $170,000
- 50 to 54: $172,000
- 55 to 59: $164,000
- 60 to 64: $145,000
- 65+: $106,000
This data is based on the high-income Canadians report from statistics Canada which was released on 2024-10-28.