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Canada Income Percentile Calculator

This calculator helps you find your income percentile in Canada based on income.

Age Group
Amount Before Taxes
United States Income Percentile Calculator

How much would it take to be in the top 1% of income in Canada? You would need income of $283,200 to join the top 1% in Canada. If you wanted to be in the top 0.1% of income earners in Canada it would take $906,700. A further increase of income to $3,404,700 anually would push you into the top 0.01% of income earners.

Top 1% income percentile in Canada

Those in the top 1% income percentile in Canada have an average income of $586,900. However, to be included in the top 1% of income earners in Canada there is a threshold of $283,200.

Top 1% income in Canada by province

This is the average amount of income earners in Canada in the top 1% percentile make:

  • Alberta - $597,900
  • British Columbia - $586,300
  • Manitoba - $569,700
  • New Brunswick - $517,900
  • Newfoundland and Labrador - $479,800
  • Nova Scotia - $522,600
  • Ontario - $605,200
  • Prince Edward Island - $476,900
  • Quebec - $557,000
  • Saskatchewan - $524,900

Top 1% income percentile in Canada by age

These are the threshold’s to be considered in the top 1% income percentile of earners in Canada broken down by age:

  • 15 to 19: $41,200
  • 20 to 24: $85,000
  • 25 to 29: $137,000
  • 30 to 34: $196,000
  • 35 to 39: $246,000
  • 40 to 44: $292,000
  • 45 to 49: $336,000
  • 50 to 54: $356,000
  • 55 to 59: $336,000
  • 60 to 64: $298,000
  • 65+: $222,000

Top 2% income percentile in Canada

This is a list of the income that you would need to make to be in the top 2 percent of income earners in Canada:

  • 15 to 19: $34,400
  • 20 to 24: $73,000
  • 25 to 29: $116,000
  • 30 to 34: $158,000
  • 35 to 39: $194,000
  • 40 to 44: $222,000
  • 45 to 49: $248,000
  • 50 to 54: $256,000
  • 55 to 59: $242,000
  • 60 to 64: $216,000
  • 65+: $159,000

Top 5 percent income in Canada

These are the thresholds by age that it would take to be considered in the top 5% of income earners in Canada:

  • 15 to 19: $27,800
  • 20 to 24: $58,000
  • 25 to 29: $94,000
  • 30 to 34: $121,000
  • 35 to 39: $142,000
  • 40 to 44: $157,000
  • 45 to 49: $170,000
  • 50 to 54: $172,000
  • 55 to 59: $164,000
  • 60 to 64: $145,000
  • 65+: $106,000

This data is based on the high-income Canadians report from statistics Canada which was released on 2024-10-28.